New classes of registration - update
New classes of registration for electrical workers will come in effect on 27 October 2017 to better recognise the specialist electrical skills required today in mining, distribution and transmission.
These new classes target hazardous work areas where specialist knowledge, training, qualifications, skills and experience are required to work safely. Electrical workers who have not demonstrated those capabilities to the Board will be restricted from those work areas.
Mining endorsement
All electrical workers must know only those holding an Electrical Inspector or Electrician licence, which has a Mining Endorsement, can perform prescribed electrical work (PEW) in a mining operation after 27 October 2017.
A mining operation may be permitted (on Crown land) or privately owned. This restriction applies to the entire mining operation, not just use of specialist mining equipment. Electrical workers performing PEW in a mining operation must obtain an Electrical Inspector (Mining Endorsement) or Electrician (Mining Endorsement) by 27 October 2017 if they want to continue carrying out PEW in a mining operation. They can do this by submitting a free paper application to the Board.
Line Mechanic
From 27 October 2017 there will be four new Line Mechanic classes created to replace the Line Mechanic class which will be disestablished. Line Mechanics must re-register in one (or more) of the new classes prior to that date. Most Line Mechanics will have received a grand-parenting offer to automatically re-register in a new class. If you receive a grand-parenting offer that meets your employment requirements, you don’t need to do anything else.
The Board’s records for a small number of Line Mechanics are insufficient to determine an automatic re-registration and they will be asked to submit a free paper application to the Board.
Other classes
Find out about changes for Associated Tradespersons and people applying for registration as an Electrical Engineer.
Your limits of work are changing
On 27 October 2017 your limits of work will change. Details of the changes for electrical workers, by class, are available online and we will also send you a message on 27 October 2017, explaining the changes. Please ensure you understand how the changes affect you.