Ezekiela [2024] EWRB CE22646 - Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22646
- EWRB number: EW113327
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Distribution Line Mechanic
- Decision date: 15 April 2024
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(b)(ii) - Serious harm carrying out PEW
- Summary: The Respondent negligently created a risk of serious harm or significant property damage when he transposed a phase and neutral conductor when connecting a service main. The Respondent was fined $2,000 and ordered to pay costs of $250. The fine and costs were reduced on the basis that the Respondent accepted his wrongdoing and cooperated. A summary of the matter will be published in the Electron, and the Respondent will be named in it and in the Board’s decision. A record of the offending will be recorded on the public Register for a period of three years.