Scheib [2022] EWRB CE22629 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22629
- EWRB number: EW139658
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 27 October 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(b)(ii) - Suspension of registration or practising licence or provisional licence (until something in subsection 2 is complete) 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(b)(ii) - Serious harm carrying out PEW Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
- Summary: The Respondent has committed disciplinary offences under sections 143(b)(ii), 143(a)(i) and 143(f) of the Act.