Assistance with sitting exams

If you need help to sit exams, extra assistance is available.

Applications for extra time and readers incur an additional cost on top of the exam fee.

We recommend you discuss extra assistance with your training provider before you make a decision to apply for assistance.

Criteria for assistance

Once you have sat 1 of the required exams to become a registered electrical worker and did not pass, you may be eligible for one or more of the following types of assistance:

Types of assistance

Additional time

This is usually up to 30 minutes for 3 hour exams (now that these are online) but more may be considered.

A reader

A reader reads the question and the candidate selects the correct answer(s) from the options given on the screen. Readers are supplied by Aspeq for a charge covering the cost of the reader and a separate room.

Candidates entitled to a reader may also be entitled to additional time.

Applying for assistance

If you meet the criteria above for extra assistance you must apply in writing using the extra assistance request form found on the Aspeq website:

Extra assistance request application form(external link) — Aspeq

The completed form can be emailed to:

Training providers can make bulk bookings for extra assistance using the Aspeq booking system’s organisation portal.