Preparing for Registration changes

There are a few things you can do to ensure you are prepared for the upcoming changes to electrical worker framework. These are summarised below.

If you are a Registered and Licensed Electrical Worker (EW):

Keep good records

Keep up to date

  • Check if your contact details are correct in your EW Portal. We will send any relevant communications to the email address you supplied when registering. Make sure to check your junk or spam folders too.
  • Ensure you are aware of the changes to the limits of work for your Registration class, and when these will take effect. Remember it is an offence to carry out work outside of your competence, or outside of your limits of work. 
  • Ensure you are aware of the changes to Registration requirements if you are a supervisor. This means you can appropriately support your supervisee. Keep an eye out for updates to the supervision guidelines for more information.